New Brighton, MN




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Client Registration

Welcome to our Center.  Please carefully read this entire page before proceeding.  If you are just beginning the process as a client, please fill out the first form on the list: "Registration for Individual Program".  After that is submitted we will call you to schedule your program.

If you want to read information about grading criteria, preparation for classes, and where we get our lesson information from, you can read the information you need, because will prepare easy-to-read articles for you that will cover all your questions.

To fill out and submit a form on the web, click the link corresponding to the form's name. 
download a printable form to send in via mail, click on the Word icon (for a Word document) or the Adobe icon (for a PDF document) next to the form.

A word of caution: if you are unable to finish the online form in one sitting, just saving the web page won't capture the text you have written, so you will have to copy and paste your answers into a document to save. It might be best to write up answers in a document to begin with, then copy and paste them over once every question has been answered.

If you do not get a confirmation page after submitting the form, press back on the browser button, and the information should still all be there. At this point, you might want to copy your answers into another document if you haven't done so already, then try submitting again later. If it still doesn't work, you may want to email this document to . This shouldn't happen, but on the rare occurrence that a server goes down, it's good to be on the safe side.

If you are a Client doing a Full Program (nine hours), please fill out the following forms from the list below:  Registration for Individual Program, Client Questionnaire for Ministry/Laity (whichever applies), Incomplete Sentences, Medical History A & B, Analysis of Skills.

If you are a Client doing a Limited Program (three hours), please fill out the following forms listed below:  Registration for Individual Program, Client Questionnaire for Ministry/Laity (whichever applies), Incomplete Sentences, Medical History A.

Registration for Individual Program

Client Questionnaire for Ministry

Client Questionnaire for Laity

Seminary Student Questionnaire

Incomplete Sentences

Medical History (Part A) 

Medical History (Part B) - This needs to be completed by a physician

Analysis of Skills

  These forms are on a secure site; all information submitted is confidential. 




North Central Ministry Development Center

Copyright (c) 2005 North Central Ministry Development Center


516 Mission House Lane
New Brighton, MN  55112