Copyright (c) 2007 North Central Ministry Development Center
.:Board Of Directors
If you would like to request write my research outline for me from one of the directors, please first go to and consult the selected question with the writers who will help you form an opinion.
Mark Sundby: NCMDC Director
Diana Barber: Presbyterian Church (USA)
Tom Breckenridge: NW MN Synod-ELCA
Robert Boyd: MN Baptist Conference
David Boogerd: UCC IA
Greg Meland: Bethel Theological Seminary
Frederick Sauer: UMC, Minnesota Conference
Bill Gran: UMC, Dakotas Conference
Cindy Gregorson: UMC, Minnesota Conference
Jim Hoogheem: Minneapolis Area Synod-ELCA
Mary McNamara: United Theological Seminary
Mary Kay Sauter: UCC, Western Association
Diane Odeen: Wisconsin Conference, UMC
Richard Wagner: UCC, Minnesota Conference
Rob Eller-Isaacs, ECLA
Evelyn Lennon: UCC, Episcopal
Shane Long: UCC, Bethel Theological Seminary
Patricia Lull: UCC, Luther Seminary