Anxious about Ebola? Here’s What You Can Do

It seems inescapable.  Every hour on the hour whether through the mainstream news sources or social media, we hear about the steady encroachment of Ebola, so that even the most carefree among us is bound to feel a bit tense.  Here’s the good news. Though you feel anxious, your response is normal and can even be helpful if well managed. Evolution has hardwired into us a fight-or-flight response.  When we feel threatened, we either wish to...

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Jody R. Johnson, M.Div., LICSW In our hurry-up world, it’s tough to take time out, much less to intentionally do nothing. And for those in ministry, there are added pressures to be productive, ‘on’, and available. When the well runs dry, people may continue to do effective ministry for a time, but eventually problems will surface- perhaps in a sense of ‘dryness’, irritability or depression, physical ailments, or tension at home. Centering prayer can offer those in ministry an oasis of spiritual refreshment that overflows into service.

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“Be still and know that I am God.”   Psalm 46:10   As part of its mission to foster health and wholeness for lives of service, NCMDC is now offering Centering prayer-based spiritual direction.  Jody R. Johnson, M.Div, LICSW, is a psychotherapist and trained presenter/teacher of Centering prayer through National Contemplative Outreach.  She will be offering individual and group spiritual direction based on the practice of Centering...

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