Upcoming Events
This course will provide clergy and lay people the opportunity to reflect on the concept of forgiveness. For example, you can read prime essays on this topic to better understand how they differ from each other and what criteria and characteristics they have. Forgiveness is both a theological concept and a psychological process. Participants will learn about new research into the psychology of forgiveness and explore the process of forgiveness. We will look at a variety of conceptions of forgiveness, obstacles to forgiveness, and how the process of coming to forgiveness occurs for many people. The format will include brief presentations, reflective exercises, and discussion of case presentations. By the end of the course participants will have learned a dynamic process for understanding forgiveness in their lives.
Ministry and Neuroscience
Ever wonder about the differences between men and women? How might gender and neuro-biology affect the way we interact, lead, and react in community? Participants will learn about the latest in brain research and how our biology (and our culture) affects our understanding of gender and human behavior in the way we are and do ministry in the church. We’ll look at the brain differences and similarities between men and women, the psychology of leadership, and how our brain is shaped and formed to affect the way we lead and the way we are in the Christian Community.
John Henrich, is an ELCA pastor and licensed psychologist. He is on staff at North Central Ministry Development Center, New Brighton, MN and at Mt. Olivet Counseling Center in Minneapolis. He teaches developmental psychology at St. Mary’s University of the Twin Cities.
These courses will be taught at Synod School of the Synod of Lakes & Prairies, Presbyterian Church (USA), July 22-27, 2012. Synod School will take place at Buena Vista University, Storm Lake, Iowa.